Yelton Models would Like to wish all their customers in Canada a Happy Canada Day or in The USA a Happy July 4th. We hope everyone has some well needed time to rest and spend with family, plus some time to spend on your model railway. Steven & Daniel have been busy most of June and this July working on new items to help your model railway grow to big and better things. In June the guys brought out the TH&B & Southern Pacific Speeder. Steven the one day had been talking to Harry Wong of Railroad Model Craftsman and he asked if we could make him this certain speeder that the Southern Pacific had used. While Steven was talking to Harry, he also had a chat with someone else and found out the Toronto Hamilton & Buffalo (TH&B) also own these Fairmont M-19 Speeder.

Photo taken at HOMES Club in Hamilton Ontario, By Steven Tuff
The two guys can't believe how these speeders have taken off so well. Watch for more speeders or speeder sheds to come in the next few months. You can find all there speeders in HO, S, & O Scale. These speeders are also done up for the Proto guys as well. When ordering on line please let us know if you want it gauged to Proto standards.
Yelton Models has there second retail location in Ontario. You can now find Yelton products at Dundas Valley Hobby in Dundas Ontario. Starting the 1st of July Dundas Valley Hobby will be carrying the full line of HO items. If you are in Dundas Valley Hobby and you don't see one of our products on the shelf please ask them and we will make sure they get it in for you. You can check out there website at:

In the month of June Yelton Models, attended a couple more Railroad Prototype Modellers Meets (RPM Meets). Bay Area RPM in San Fransco & Red River RPM in Forest Hill Texas. Steven nor Daniel could attend these two meets but they did send down raffle prizes and displays. We would like to Thank Harry Wong from Bay Area RPM for setting up a display for us. We would also like to thank John Spring & Kevin Leddy for setting up a display for Yelton Models. Right now we don't really know our Fall show schedule but we can tell you that Steven will be at the Central Ohio RPM meet in October. Posted below are pictures from the two different RPM meets.
Bay Area RPM

Steven & Daniel these past few weeks have actually had some time to get back to working on there layouts, which in turn have created a few new items for the product line. Daniel was visiting the HOMES club in Hamilton where Steven is the president and found something that was missing on his steel mill Coke Ovens. Coke Oven door car and Coke chute/guide. Then Dan went home and developed these two new models for the Yelton product line. These two new models are available to order from the website.

The guys have also been working on some more small detail parts as well as the 2 1/2 story brick house false front. Pictures posted below of the new false front and steel corrugated steel bins in HO Scale. These new items are available in HO scale for the time being.
Watch for another blog/ newsletter in August with whats new at Yelton Models and what is going on this fall with the guys from Yelton Models
Happy Modelling
Steven & Daniel Yelton Models